úterý 13. prosince 2011

First time

Don`t laugh at me, but it was my first time doing laundry here in Prague. Don`t take it wrong, I did laundry many times before, with my own machine or a machine of someone close to me. I only didn`t do it here in Prague, cause I wasn't here long enough to feel the need. But today I realized that I need some clean shirt for the ball I am going to today. It was kinda adventure, go through the crooked labyrinth of dorms underground, smelling amazing and not known smells and stuff like that. It also felt like real community. Sharing together, it just wasn't food like God was talking about, it was a washing machine sharing, with a group of about 500 people. Isn't that amazing? How close I can get to a people I have never seen in my life? And how far I can be to people I meet almost every day.

I am amazed how many people went through my life. They stayed for a little while, for longer time or they are still there. Some did hurt me, some made me happy, but all of them influenced me, some more and some less, but all did. I strongly believe God is working mostly with people and through people, he did put sooo many of them in my life, sooo many good figures and even few bad figures. He gave me heroes, he gave me people who loves me, people I can love. I am thankful for people, for love for friendship and for God.

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