středa 16. května 2012

It`s fun to be at the lecture with at least 200 other people and watch them. Our teacher is talking about monetary politics and it`s actually interesting topic, but to be honest, almost no one is listening.

I am looking around and I see majority of laptops on Facebook, couple others are playing solitaire and one is playing a game I don't know. It`s funny cause this lecture is 3 hours long and thats quite a long time. The teacher is not tracking the attendance so what is the point of all the students here?

Why are all the students here and not at the pub with friends, or at home studying or working or on the bike? That is something that I really can't understand. The time is rare, time is the only thing that you cannot buy, for anything and is also limited. Why do we waste it on stupid stuff, why aren`t we able to enjoy every moment and make every moment count?

I am not trying to say that I am good at this. That I don't know stuff like procrastination, laziness and wasting my time, but I think that I realize that problem, trying to do something about it. So what is it that you are struggling with? Is it too much TV, or too much time on Facebook, playing too much computer games? Or shopping the whole time on your computer, or just spending all the free time in the bed?

I think that all of us, have something that we are wasting our time at and I also believe that we don`t like it. SO why don't we try to do something about it? Why don't we start a challenge about saving 30 minutes a day, that we think we don't know yet for stuff that really matters? It can be a prayer time, it can be time with Bible, time with your family, spouse or just thinking about life. I know we can do it, its not too much, only 30 minutes, can we win? Lets try and let me know how is it going.

úterý 15. května 2012

School time

The time is here, the time of sleepless nights and even vorse days. The time when we are trying to get the whole semester into our heads in just a couple of days. The time when the stress is up and emotions too.

I realized two things about my exams time.
First, I am getting fat, I am starting to have a really amazingly discusting rubber around my waist and that I need to start work out more often to get it gone before the comming bikiny time.
Second, I am not so nice to people around me, when I am stressed I can say stupid stuff that I am not thinking about.

So I am asking myself if the exams are really that important that we need to put in danger our relationships for them? Is it really worth it?

I dont think so, I dont think that an exam from economy can supply my girlfriend and test from marketing my best friend. SO my little advice is, take it easy, slow down a bit, pray about that and just be nicer to people around you. Its them who help you to get this life done well.