neděle 21. prosince 2008


Hey guys, so it`s here, I am trying to write my first blog in English language, wow, it`s huge change, but be patient and forgive me my mistakes.

It`s here, holiday of Santa Claus, red nose`s Rudolph, bush and gifts. Here more commercial then back home in Czech, but on the other hand more religious then ever before in my life. This X-mass will be probably the most different in my whole existence. In different (and sometimes strange country), with new people, with no mom ( I have Tammy but my mom is only one sorry). I will also share bush with my "siblings" for first time and don`t have potatoes salad ( I don`t really miss it :D). It`s gonna be great and happy and sad and full of mixed feelings in one time and I really looking forward this so please cross your fingers for me. 

New Year`s eve
It will be also strange. First time in five years I will celebrate with my family, and first time since I was ten it will be with no champagne ( maybe not but I don`t expect it). It will be strange, but after crazy parties it will be nice rest and peace, watching the stars in the middle of the frozen lake with frozen smile on the face, yeah it will be great ( but with my luck it will be cloudy or snowstorm :D ). 

I only want`s to say two things:
1) Thanks to my host family for their generous with they accepted me in their lives 
2) Merry christmas to everybody, stop hunting the presents and just hug each other and be in peace and love, that`s all what the Christmas are about.  

čtvrtek 18. prosince 2008

Neco malo novinek dil 1.

Ahoj, asi je treba rici co vsechno se deje, v mem zivote, ve svete. 
Takze od srpna jsem ve "velkem" svete, cimz mam na mysli, ze jsem v USA. Je to docela zajimava zeme, neni tak spatna jak jeji odpurci hlasaji, a ani tak skvela jak jeji priznivni peji. Je to tu suma sumarum stejne, jako vsude kolem. Neco maji paradni, neco je strasne az nemyslitelne, to same jako v Evrope a u Nas.
Tim, ze jsem si to uvedomil, jsem zacal byt mnohem vice hrdy na to ze jsem Cech, uvedomil jsem si co to znamena. Neni to o tom ziv v Cesku, je to o tom vazit si svych predku a sveho naroda. I kdyz je to tu moc pekne, tak rodna kotlina je hezci. Je to proste doma.
Vsechno je tu vetsi, auta, mesta( mozna ne vetsi, ale roztahanejsi), nakupni centra, kostely, solidarita ( aspon u lidi s kterymi sem se setkal). Nadruhou stranu jsou tu nevyhody, vsechno je tu roztahane ( neda se tu chodit, chodniky nejsou) coz znamena, ze bez auta je to tu skoro neobyvatelne. Velke metropole jako treba Minneapolis je neco jineho, ale zase tolik jich tu neni. 
Uplne uzasne jsou tu skoly ale o tech zase az zitra.

Jsem zpet ?

Ahoj, je to dlouha doba co jsem se ozval naposledy, jarku skoro pul roku. Ale opet dostavam potrebu vykricet do sveta co me trapi, co me bavi, co se deje. Ale asi to bude trosku jinak nez normalne. 
1) Nemam hacky a carky, za coz se omlouvam, a to diky memu pobytu v USA
2) Jsem mozna trochu jiny, par veci se ve me asi zmenilo, mozna cely ja :D
3) Precetl jsem toho na internetu hodne, a jsem plny novych vemu, jen nevim jestli je dokazu zachytit
Doufam, ze se opet najdou nejaci ctenari, kteri si budou chtit precist jak vidi svet uz skoro dospely kluk. 
Zatim ahoj, brzy napisu zase neco.