pondělí 12. prosince 2011

3 years

Almost exactly three years since the last post. Thats quite some time.
So much happened since then. I am still the same person, but I feel like I travelled millions of miles in my life. Living my college life in Prague, trying to serve God as good as I can, found home church for me and realizing where I am going and what I am doing.

It`s really funny how my life is always up and down, my emotions are jumping from the sky heights to the valleys plains. I love that I live a crazy busy life. Right now I am sick with cold, but cannot really rest cause two test are going on today, I should be studying and not writing here, and tomorrow I go with my YL teammate and friend Wendy to a ball of her girls. Right after that, ski instructor course is taking place in my life. Then Christmas.

Even the last month wash`t the most successful in many fields, it was one of the best months ever. Cause I had the privilege to pray about stuff, I would never ever imagine to pray about at the last post. Pray about love, about God showing me the way, God blessing the decisions I wanna make and people I want to love, praying for God healing people and me and so much more. Great how much happened since last, crazy where I am now since last, Thanks God he walked me through the forest of darkness to the field of light.

I don't want to sound too cheesy or anything, but last month was just a blessing. I felt really loved, I felt guided, I felt the good sense of challenge, to be a better man a better person so Pappa would be proud. And to be totally honest, not just him, but one really special person too.

Thanks God for putting my life in order, thank you for people around me and thank you that you are blessing what I am praying about.

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